Aubrey Page
About The Author

Aubrey Page

Aubrey is a senior writer and editor at Vimeo. Fond of: horror movies, tinned fish, making cool stuff.

Video for Business

What marketers need to know about video deepfakes 

Video deepfakes get a bad rap. But as they continue to evolve, it's time for marketers of every stripe to get wise to this AI-powered tech.

Creator Stories

How Oscar-winner Rayka Zehtabchi found her creative voice

“Everyone has their own journey,” says Rayka Zehtabchi. “Some people's journey starts at the Oscars when they're 25 years old."

Share your videos with the world.*

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Creator Stories

How filmmaker and artist Dan Covert built his creative career

“Nothing’s going to make itself,” says Dan Covert. “The quickest way to build your career is just keep making stuff."

Creator Stories

This charming short puts the "art" in artificial intelligence

We caught up with Staff Picked filmmaker Chris Carboni to talk about his beguiling AI-powered film, "Hairy Pouter."


Meet Fast Fwd: Inside Vimeo’s end of year interactive video

From Staff-Picked creators to C-suites — we asked our community for their take on the year to come. Discover all their answers in this interactive video.

Case Studies

How two brothers turned their struggling family business into a global brand

15 years ago, Kuni and Tomo Hijikata quit their jobs to save the family business. Now, their cast iron pans are selling fast in 5 countries (and counting).

Case Studies

How KevOnStage is building a better entertainment industry

“We were able to step past what we were waiting for Hollywood to do for us and do it ourselves,” says Brennon Edwards, President of KevOnStage Studios.

Case Studies

How Stellantis is powering limitless learning with video

“Video-based virtual instruction is the future,” says Phil Price, Head of The Performance Academy. Stellantis.

Product News

3 inspiring interactive video examples from the Vimeo community

Vimeo is empowering creators, marketers, and educators to make interactive video. See how three industry leaders are making their mark.

Case Studies

KonMari's guide to creating an online course that sparks joy

Marie Kondo is making organizing more accessible than ever with KonMari's video course, powered by Vimeo OTT.

Live Streaming

3 (research-backed) tips to produce a webinar people will actually watch

Your mission? Put on an engaging, watchable webinar. This invaluable guidance from real event attendees will set you up for success.

Case Studies

This earth-first produce brand is using video to sell uncommonly good berries

“People are really able to see the thought and care that comes with our product through video," says Oishii's VP of marketing. "That’s hugely important.”

Case Studies

How Bleecker Street is investing in the future of film

“Movies aren’t going anywhere, but the way that people experience them is different than it was in the past," says Bleecker Street's VP of Marketing.

Case Studies

Meet the celeb-loved tattoo artist using video to connect with more people

“Video is, by far, the most dynamic way to connect with the consumer,” says Miguel Garcia Castillo, Founding Partner of Woo Skin Essentials.